This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

"Today a dreamer, tomorrow a leader"
Leonardo da Vinci Gesamtschule Hückelhoven
Mittelstrasse 24
41836 Hückelhoven
It was founded in 2011 and we get new pupils every year. At the moment we are seven hundred seventy-two students and about sixty-five teachers.
The pupils taking part in the Erasmus Plus Project are at the age of 13-16 years.

Erasmus+ Bulgaria 2019

In our first meeting, we coordinated the project. We also chose the best project logo which was prepared by the students. The winner was the school from Bulgaria.
This meeting served for more effective communication and cooperation between the partners. At this meeting, a number of arrangements were made for the implementation of the project, so that the project contributed greatly to the participants from all over the country to achieve and maintain the project goals.
The school system of Germany
Erasmus+ Bulgaria 2019
![]() Explaining traditional German games |
![]() Playing games together |
![]() Describe your image |
![]() Describe your image |
![]() Describe your image |
The second meeting, which took place in Brentisa/Bulgaria, had the heading "traditional and cultural toys". For this purpose the partners and the participating students prepared a presentation about their own national traditional toys on their own games. Here, for example, board games or traditional wooden toys were presented. It did not stop at the presentations, but the participants put into practice what they had experienced visually. Now students were to enjoy making the toys they had just learned about with their own hands. This was a wonderful opportunity to share the toy culture with the participating countries.

Team Germany Bulgaria 2019
Erasmus+ Bulgaria 2019
![]() Beautiful nature in Madeira |
![]() Team Germany's teachers enjoying Madeira's beautiful weather |
![]() Volcanic caves in Madeira |
![]() 25 Fontes Madeira |
![]() Excellent food and great Portuguese hospitality |
Presentation about a local hero from our home town.
The fourth meeting in Madeira (Portugal) was dedicated to the presentation of toys from the past. In this meeting only the teachers were present, but the local students from "Ponta do Sol" were actively involved. During the tour of the island, among other things, a toy museum was visited and a school for disadvantaged students. The interesting thing about this school was that the disadvantaged students made toys themselves. Here the teachers became aware of the effect of making their own toys. It really served as therapy for the students. In the presentations, the partner schools were to show which toys or games were played across generations. The focus was on 3 generations sitting at the same table or playing with the same toy and spending time together. For example, wooden toys from the time of the grandparents that were no longer used by the current generation were presented. These were then made together and played with together. It became clear here that there were great similarities between the cultures and that many games were even identical, even though there were thousands of kilometers between the countries. This again sharpened the understanding for a European community. In order to bring this closer to the students, the presentations and the performances of the intergenerational games were shown again later at school.

Erasmus Madeira 2019
Erasmus+ Bulgaria 2019
In Romania we presented different traditional fairy tales. Interested? Click the link.

The third meeting took place in Romania, which, by the way, was one of the most underestimated countries. This statement is based on students' testimonies from various partner schools. The aim of this meeting was to
to bring traditional toys to life by using costumes and thus creating a transfusion that takes on a living form. This was done in a designated theater space on a stage where each country used its own prepared costumes. In various role-plays and plays, students and teachers, for example, brought fairy tale characters to life and acted out these scenarios either in their traditional form or in a modern transposed and invented scenario.
These plays became the highlight of the Romanian meeting because the students brought their creativity to life. Heroes were brought to life. In the play, the students learned to practice, train and acquire various skills, knowledge and courses of action. During the follow-up, for example, the German school made a resulting short video, with a student in the role of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe retelling his life and the writer's ups and downs.

Erasmus+ Bulgaria 2019

Due to the Corona pandemic, which appeared for the first time in the Heinsberg district in March, the German school was not able to travel to the meeting in Latvia.
However, results can be seen with the other partners, as all other partners participated.
Erasmus+ Bulgaria 2019
In order of the worldwide pandemic, we decided to organize a virtual meeting and to realize the theme "Waldorf Games and Toys" in the best sense.
During the 3 days the partners first enjoyed a broad overview of the origins, philosophy and practice of Waldorf schools and Waldorf education respectively.
Highlights of the meeting included DIY videos of the partners demonstrating how to carry out Waldorf techniques using wooden toys as examples. Team Germany, for example, recorded a construction of an insect hotel with their students, highlighting the deeper meaning of craftsmanship.
In addition to the numerous videos, there were also interaction games with the teachers to convey German culture in a humorous way. All in all, the virtual meeting was a very successful learning activity.
Here you can see a cooking tutorial, which should bring our European partners a little bit closer to the German cuisine.
We hope that we have achieved this goal. Of course, cooking together would have been much more interesting, but we plead that it was recreated at home.
Joint collaboration during the virtual meeting was ensured with the program Padlet - An interactive site on the net to create joint results and make them visible online for a short time.

In order to give our guests the best possible arrival experience even though they cannot be physically present, the German team filmed a virtual tour of the school
a virtual driving tour of our hometown Hückelhoven.
This allowed viewers to celebrate the interactive feeling of arriving at Leonardo da Vinci Comprehensive School Hückelhoven.
A musical contribution of our school
The teacher band "TheDavincis" with "Saturday in the Park"
A musical contribution of our school
The teacher band "TheDavincis" with "If you leave me now"
A musical contribution of our school
2 students - Linda & Malinda with "Cup Song"