This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

"Today a dreamer, tomorrow a leader"

Description of the activity:
- Described the content, methodology and expected results of the activity.
- How was it going to be related to or integrated with the normal activities of the involved schools?
Traditional toys of every partner school wold be transformed into costumes and there wold be theatre and puppet show that focusses on unıversal themes such as friendship, trustness, anti-racism).In this way,importance of creativity in art,drama,nature,relation between creativitiy and
culture,cultural stories,legends,heroes wold be focused on There wold be will be successful school administrators and teachers who tried to practice what waslearned in their institutions by learning from the education system in cultural exchange from the project with the participation of many schools working collaboratively. Being in collaboration with schools caused by project wold increase the local and regional recognition. For students of being acquainted with new culture wold ave overcome cultural alienation comfortably and comprehend the logic of being European. By escaping from routine teaching and learning environment, especially considering children motivation, willingness and permanent learning process wold create a unique educational environment.
creating costumes -having drama, theatre show, puppet show The methoods that wold used were collaborative approach, multiple intelligences and constructive Approach Being aware of multiple intelligences theory supported children's abilities to use their creativity.
-We plan ned to use Constructive Approach for transforming their imaginary toys into real.
Our target audience wold like European culture
-All partner schools wold know and understand each other effectively with the activities organized during the mobilities.
-They wold learn each other's lifestyles(educationol approaches ,nutrition,social-regional activities ,special celebrations.)
-All the activities performed related to our project wold be used in mobilities and in this way,our participants wold show their creativity on the national
platform with the learning -teaching ,training activities,we aimed to ;
-to learn cultures and art of the other countries very closely
-to compare and discuss similorities and differences of these studies
-to develop a new perspective by adopting it.
-It wold also allow all the countries to get to know each other well and develop close relations
In Romania,the students created toys then these toys wold designed as costumes.The students who wore these costumes played theater and presented a puppet show. The theater played and puppet provided a lot of benefits for theachers and students. When the students played the theater and presented a puppet show by wearing their own toys’costumes,both they had an opportunity to introduce their own culture and they recognize different cultures .
So the teachers and the students could discover similar and different aspects of their own cultures and different cultures.
The students played games with together and they display their own original costume. Both teachers and students learned by doing different cultures and cultural toys.The teachers and the students had an opportunity to learn new cultures and countries’cultural toys. While the teachers and the students respected each other’s cultures,this behaviour provided cultural fusion . These costumes and plays which are made by using creativity of students wold help to make friendship with people who were from different cultures. Imaginations of students will be the beginning of cultural friendship. Theater and puppet shows in a different culture in different roles wold help improve the self-esteem increase and reinforce role-playing behaviours. The ability to emphathizewith different societies in different learning environments through drama wold develop.
They wold be heroes of legends or legends of their own stories.It wold provide opportunities to create new cultural heroes by blending games that reflected their own culture by turning their imagination into costumes.Knowing that their own unique outfits and unique stories and environments that supported their creativity, learning in the natural environment wold encourage our children and encourage them to create original products in the future.

Turkey school would be a major step in the internationalization of exchange of information and ideas about current developments in the field of education from other countries.
We would turn their imaginary toys into real.The stages of our project were below .
-cutting -pasting-making model-creating toys by using different kinds of materials(clay,wood,fabric,plush)-creating booklets-creating videos-making exchange of toys
-animating with toys
-having a play with toys-creating costumes
-having drama, theatre show, puppet show
-playing old, forgotten, lost traditional games.
Our target audience would like European culture
-All partner schools would know and understand each other effectively with the activities organized during the mobilities.
-They would learn each other's lifestyles (educationol approaches, nutrition, social-regional activities ,special celebrations.)
-All the activities performed related to our project would be used in mobilities and in this way, our participants would show their creativity on the national platform with the learning -teaching, training activities, we aimed to ;
-to learn cultures and art of the other countries very closely
-to compare and discuss similorities and differences of these studies
-to develop a new perspective by adopting it.
-It would also allow all the countries to get to know each other well and develop close relations.
Our first project kick-off meeting would be held in Turkey.This meeting will provide more effective communication and cooperation among partners. A number of arrangements fort he implementation of the project would be held at this meeting so that the project would make great contributions to the participants from all over the country in terms of achieving and maintaining the aims of the project.

The partners prepare presentations about how the students made traditional and cultural toys which were exhibited by their own countries. So children's imagination would grow and they would learn more about toy culture.
-All partner schools would know and understand each other effectively with the activities organized during the mobilities.
-They would learn each other's lifestyles(educationol approaches ,nutrition,social-regional activities , special celebrations.)
-All the activities performed related to our project would be used in mobilities and in this way,our participants would show their creativity on the national platform with the learning -teaching, training activities,we aimed to ;
-to learn cultures and art of the other countries very closely
-to compare and discuss similorities and differences of these studies
-to develop a new perspective by adopting it.
-It would also allow all the countries to get to know each other well and develop close relations.
How is participation in this activity going to benefit the involved participants?
With this mobility in Bulgaria,all students would have the opportunity to promote their own cultures as well as to recognize different cultures. Children and teachers would able to explore similar and different aspects of their own country to other cultures.Traditional and cultural toys would be exhibited in their own country and presentations will be made on how toys were made by the students.So that the children would have more imagination and more knowledge on toy cultures.

Organizing third learning teaching training in march in 2020 . Traditional outdoor games would be shown by latvia students would discover and use more
playful processes, toys and games to enrich learning, add more fun to their learning, and strengthening important skills. ıt depended on the importance
of games in children's life to increase creativity. these traditional children’s games were actually disappearing under the influence of educational
institution culture or whether they were developing vividly and with new dynamics after the children’s own. they would have infomation about traditional
games of other countries
-All partner schools would know and understand each other effectively with the activities organized during the mobilities.
-They would learn each other's lifestyles(educationol approaches ,nutrition,social-regional activities ,special celebrations.)
-All the activities performed related to our project would be used in mobilities and in this way,our participants would show their creativity on the national
platform with the learning -teaching ,training activities,we aimed to ;
-to learn cultures and art of the other countries very closely
-to compare and discuss similorities and differences of these studies
-to develop a new perspective by adopting it.
-It would also allow all the countries to get to know each other well and develop close relations.
We would have the opportunity to see and experience traditional games of different cultures.We would play and tell the toys used in traditional games ,the
rhymes and songs and dances together.We would improve fun learning.Communication between children and adults would be strengthened.Cultural
transmission would be increased.There would be cultural interaction with different cultures.They would be play more toys in the natural environment.They will
learn more games.This would help improve your creativity.

Toys in the past would be created by students and their parents, grandparents.Toys of today and past would be displayed in the school-Makings research in each partner school about culture, cultural stories, heroes and legends and preparing a presentation to give to other partner schools.--
There would be will be successful school administrators and teachers who tried to practice what was learned in their institutions by learning from the education system in cultural exchange from the project with the participation of many schools working collaboratively.
Students would understand the rationale given by the Europeanism comfortably by meeting new cultures therefore they would be open-minded, tolerant, respectful and appropriate individuals who were in line with EU criteria.
-All the activities performed related to our project would be used in mobilities and in this way,our participants would show their creativity on the national platform with the learning -teaching, training activities,we aimed to;
-to learn cultures and art of the other countries very closely
-to compare and discuss similorities and differences of these studies
-to develop a new perspective by adopting it.
-It will also allow all the countries to get to know each other well and develop close relations
With this mobility to be done in Portugal ,everyone would have a presentation made in the past by the students ,parents and grandparents who used toys in their own culture.Each partner school would provide daily and historical examples of culture , culture stories ,hereos and legends .
Children and teachers would discover similar and different aspects of their culture to other cultures.

In order of the worldwide pandemic, we decided to organize a virtual meeting and to realize the theme "Waldorf Games and Toys" in the best sense.
During the 3 days the partners first enjoyed a broad overview of the origins, philosophy and practice of Waldorf schools and Waldorf education respectively. Highlights of the meeting included DIY videos of the partners demonstrating how to carry out Waldorf techniques using wooden toys as examples. Team Germany, for example, recorded a construction of an insect hotel with their students, highlighting the deeper meaning of craftsmanship.
In addition to the numerous videos, there were also interaction games with the teachers to convey German culture in a humorous way. All in all, the virtual meeting was a very successful learning activity.

Results of the Project ,, Today a dreamer, tomorrow a leader ,, code -2018-1-DE03-KA229-047207_3, implementation period 2018-2020, the students of our school, together with the coordinating teachers, made a ,, Mini dictionary of 50 common words ,,, Brochure with photos and products of the project, Guide of toys with photos, books of legends created by students.